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Myers Freelance – Consulting

Myers Freelance Grand OpeningSince our website went live back in mid-October, Myers Freelance has been in “soft opening” mode – we’ve been toeing the water and getting our ducks in a line, while still letting it be known that we’re out there.

That all changed on Monday, when we threw open the doors of Myers Freelance. We’re excited to be off the ground, and can’t wait to get started helping law firms turn their websites into consistent lead generators.

In our last post, we talked about our signature product that we bring to the table – our legal blogs. Through our knowledge of the law, our superb writing skills, and our dedication to perfection and to our clients, Myers Freelance has established its reputation as an outfit of formidable legal blog writers.

However, we bring more to the table than just our legal blogs. We’re also online legal marketing consultants. We can detect, diagnose, and fix problems that you’re having with your website that are impacting your search engine optimization (SEO), and preventing your website from performing to the best of its abilities. We also create SEO strategies that maximize the impact of our legal blogs, achieving the online prominence that you’re looking for even quicker.

Our Consulting Services

Website Diagnostic

Even before we get started on your legal blog, Myers Freelance will take a close diagnostic look at your website. We check its pulse to see how it’s performing, and put it through tests to see how it can perform better. Many websites are plagued with hidden problems – like an incompatibility with mobile devices, or a slow loading time – that result in SEO penalties. These penalties kill a site’s ability to rank well in search engine queries.

Our website diagnostic comes free of charge, in our initial consultation.

Website Solutions

If your website has issues that are penalizing it on the SEO front, Myers Freelance can roll up its sleeves and rectify the problem. Our web development team has knowledge of WordPress and other web platforms, and can quickly and effortlessly make sure that our legal blogging and SEO upgrades aren’t held back by technical difficulties.

SEO Marketing Strategy

Even the most well-written legal blog needs a strategy. If there’s no planning before a blog gets rolled out, then it can be like Usain Bolt running a race while blindfolded – it will get somewhere fast, but probably not in the direction you want it to go.

Myers Freelance understands the value of setting a goal and determining the best method of achieving it. At our free initial consultation, we create a preliminary SEO marketing strategy by performing keyword research and market analysis in your firm’s field. These help you decide how you want our legal blog to brand your firm, and what kind of competition you’ll be up against. This preliminary strategy continues to get honed as we come closer to breaking ground on your blog, and can change after we begin if your firm’s focal point changes or the market shifts.

Get Started Now

Contact us to get started, today. We’re even offering a grand opening special of 10% off your first month if you reach out before December ends. Better yet, this deal is cumulative with our other offers, which we’ll be posting on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

There’s no time like the present to invest in your firm’s online marketing strategy. And there’s no one like Myers Freelance to make that investment work.