As soon as you start advertising your law firm online, you’ll be hit with the need to target specific keywords to help your site rank well. By choosing a handful of words that regularly appear in search engine queries, and making sure that lots of your content is geared towards those keywords, you’ll maximize your efficiency and push your site towards the top for those specific queries.
Keywords are a crucial aspect of your law firm’s search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. However, keywords are not some magical talisman that will automatically get you more and better clients. Search engine users are becoming more and more advanced as they get better at using the internet to find what they need. While keywords are still a strong technique to expand your business, they should not occupy all of your time.
Queries Don’t Always Incorporate Keywords
When you do keyword research to choose the words that you’re going to target in your content, you’re really just trying to predict how people will most likely try to use search engines to find your site. However, search engine users don’t confine their searches to commonly-targeted keywords. Instead, they have the entire English language to choose from, when they type a query into Google. In fact, 15% of the search queries that Google gets on a daily basis have never been used before.
Because the odds of a search query using the exact keywords that you’re targeting are actually relatively low, it’s important to not get bogged down in only posting content that is directly on point with one of your targeted keywords.
Diversifying Your Content is Crucial
By venturing outside the confines of your targeted keywords, you can build online prominence for search queries that are less competitive than, for example, “Dallas criminal defense attorney.” Going outside of your targeted keywords does not mean that you have to go into another field of law, though. Simply writing an article on a nuanced aspect of your practice, like a criminal defense attorney writing about photo arrays, can effectively diversify your law firm’s content to grab hits from search queries that don’t include any of your keywords.
Bring in the Professional Legal Bloggers
Doing this in an effective and efficient way takes practice and a detailed understanding of how search engines work and how people use them. This would take your time and attention away from what you really want to do – practice law. Contact the professional legal bloggers at Myers Freelance to get started.