Search engine marketing is a bit like a rabbit hole. Once you start reading about it and researching how you can better market your law firm online, it’s easy to start tumbling head over heels in information and lessons that often seem contradictory. It’s easy to get confused and wish there was an easy and simple answer for how to develop your firm’s website to get more clients.
Fortunately, while there isn’t a simple answer that accounts for everything in the field, there is one that you can use to point yourself in the right direction.
Bigger Websites Tend to Rank Better
Remember, search engines are out there, looking for the most relevant and most important websites for every given search query.
To make your law firm’s website relevant for as many search queries as possible, you need to fill it with lots of content. And to make your site important for those search queries, you need to fill it with lots of content.
It’s not a mistake that small websites – those with under 100 indexed pages, like this one – rank poorly. It’s also not a mistake that large website – those with indexed page counts over 500, like this one – rank well.
A Trend, Not a Rule
The fact that large websites tend to rank better than smaller ones is not a rule, though. There are exceptions and anomalies. In fact, Google has explicitly said that the number of indexed pages in a website does not directly impact that site’s ranking. However, in making this statement, Google also pointed out that everything about having more indexed pages on your site indirectly makes you rank better.
For example, a website that has ten times as many pages in it than a competing site can hit far more keywords than its competition, and can hit those keywords harder, too. Additionally, there are more pages that can gain traction elsewhere on the internet, building a backlink portfolio. Both of these factors – keywords and backlinks – influence your ranking.
So no, the number of indexed pages that you have in your site does not improve your ranking. However, by cramming your site with content – thereby making your indexed page count skyrocket – your ranking gets better.
Legal Blogging Builds Big Websites
If the number of indexed pages is such a good sign of a well-ranking website, how do you increase your site’s indexed page count?
Simple: Legal blogging.
Businesses that blog improve their indexed page count by an astounding 434%. The reason for this is straightforward: Once you put together your firm’s practice areas, attorney bios, and maybe a case results page, what else can you add? There are only so many other places that you can go.
A legal blog provides an outlet for all of that content that doesn’t fit elsewhere. By hosting a legal blog, you give yourself a platform to talk about legal developments that might not have a long shelf life, or that don’t have enough substance or importance to warrant a place in your main page’s menu but that nevertheless are worth discussing. And each time you update your legal blog, you’re throwing one more indexable page into your website.
Contact the professional legal blog writers at Myers Freelance today to get started on your site.